QSC has been awarded a utility patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for its unique Q-Sys Web Conference Integration system. The patent (USA 9,973,638) was awarded for the system’s ability to deliver an IP camera stream from Q-Sys PTZ-IP conference cameras into soft codec applications such as Skype for Business via a driverless USB connection and also recognises how the Q-Sys Platform can discover and control Q-Sys IP conference cameras using a standard Ethernet network.
‘The Q-Sys Web Conference Integration solution provides an IT-centric approach by combining the universal ease of USB connectivity with the flexibility of the network for long-haul transfers of audio, video and control data,’ said Ryan Pring, senior technical director of Q-Sys. ‘This design eliminates the need for expensive USB and HDMI extenders and point-to-point wiring, which translates into a more simplified, cost-effective design.’